Paying for care at home | ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ


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Paying for homecare

Care services at home aren’t usually free. How much you need to pay for homecare depends on a number of factors, including your income and savings. Find out how to arrange homecare, how much you may have to pay, and what financial support is available.

How do I access homecare?

If you’re having trouble with everyday tasks such as washing, cooking or getting dressed, ask your local council for a care needs assessment. This works out what would help you stay independent at home for longer. With your permission, your carer, GP, or district nurse can refer you for an assessment on your behalf.

If you’re being discharged from hospital, the staff on your ward can arrange homecare services to make sure you’re safe and properly supported at home, or to help rehabilitate you. A social worker should lead on the planning of your future care and support.

Find out more about how to access home care after hospital discharge

Will the local council pay for my homecare?

If your local council carries out a care needs assessment and agrees that you're eligible for care and support at home, they will do a means test. This will take into account your income and savings. Unless you’re going into a care home, this won’t take into account the value of your property.

Here’s how the means test for social care will look at your income and savings, and how this will affect what you pay for care.

Your capital  What you will have to pay 
Over £23,250

You have to pay your own fees as a 'self-funder'.

Between £14,250 and £23,250

You qualify for financial support from the council and pay a contribution from your income – such as pensions – plus a 'tariff income' based on your capital.

This 'tariff income' is worked out by assuming you have an extra £1 per week in income for every £250 (or part of) you have between £14,250 and £23,250 in capital.

Less than £14,250

The council provides financial support and you will still contribute from your income, but you won't have to pay a tariff income.

Certain types of income, such as money from some disability benefits and pensions, may not be counted in the means test. This also applies to certain types of capital. All other income and capital can be taken into account.

If all your eligible income is taken into account in your means test, your income mustn't fall below a set level, known as the minimum income guarantee. This is £228.70 per week if you’re single and above State Pension age, and £174.60 if you're part of a couple where one or both of you have reached State Pension age.

If you’re eligible for financial support to pay for homecare, your local council can arrange homecare services for you. Alternatively, you can choose to receive direct payments and arrange homecare yourself.

Find out more about paying for care using direct payments

How much does it cost to pay for my own homecare?

If you’re paying fees yourself (called self-funding), then you can arrange your own care. However, if you would prefer that your local council arranged this for you then they must do so, as long as you have eligible care needs. There may be an arrangement fee. 

Homecare typically costs around £25 per hour — however this may vary depending on your circumstances, such as where you live and the type of care you need. It's always worth contacting a few homecare agencies in your area to ask about and compare their costs to find homecare to best suit your needs. 

To find a homecare agency:

  • The  can give you details of home care providers that follow its code of practice.
  • Your local adult social services department should be able to provide you with details of approved private agencies.
  • Ask friends or relatives for recommendations.

Can I get financial support to pay for my homecare?

Make sure you’re claiming all the benefits you’re entitled to.

These benefits aren’t means-tested, so don't take into account your income and savings.

Frequently asked questions

Can I employ my own carer?

If you want to employ a care worker directly, you must draw up a contract of employment so that you are both clear on what is expected. Be aware of financial considerations such as National Insurance contributions.

New pension rules mean that if you employ your own carer using either your own money or money from your direct payment, you may now be legally obliged to contribute towards a pension for them.

You may need to take this into account if you decide to hire a carer or carers directly and you pay them more than £768 every four weeks (£10,000 per year). If you use a payroll service they may help you with these new duties.

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What if I’m running out of money?

If you’re paying fees yourself (called self-funding) and your capital reaches less than £23,250, the local council may assist with funding. You should request an assessment a few months before that happens as they will have to agree you need a care home.

They should arrange one as soon as possible so you don’t have to use up your capital below that amount.

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What if I give away some of my money?

You may think about giving away some of your savings, income or property to avoid paying likely care costs, and to give something to your relatives or charity, for example.

If the council thinks that you have done this to avoid paying care fees they may still assess you as if you still had the money or property that you have given away. This is referred to as deprivation of assets.

Find out more about deprivation of assets

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We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæs.

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Last updated: Jun 21 2024

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