Can your company support the Telephone Befriending Service? | Corporate Partnerships | ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ


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Can your company support the ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Telephone Friendship Service?


The Telephone Friendship Service is ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ's award-winning national telephone befriending service where volunteers from a range of corporate partners make a weekly 20-minute call to a lonely older person, helping us to reach those most in need.

Why should we become a Corporate Member of the Telephone Friendship Service?

  1. It's easy – the Telephone Friendship Service is a bite-sized volunteering opportunity for your employees. They don't even have to leave their desk to do it!
  2. It’s meaningful – together, we would be addressing a real societal issue, demonstrating your role as a socially responsible company. Our volunteers regularly tell us that they talk about the company they work for more positively as a result of being in the programme.
  3. It benefits your employees – our volunteers are full of praise for the Telephone Friendship Service.

There are many hidden benefits for companies getting involved including developing the skills of the volunteers and making them feel proud to work for a company that supports ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ's Telephone Befriending Service. I cannot recommend the Telephone Befriending Service highly enough and ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ is an excellent partner to work with.

Zurich Community Trust

How does it work?

Once you've joined ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ's Telephone Friendship Service, our expert team will help you recruit volunteers and support them throughout their journey with us.

We'll take them through the online training and match them with an older person based on shared interests – this helps to ensure a true, long-lasting friendship. And we'll always be there for support and advice throughout the friendship, whenever the volunteer needs us.

With regular reports, you'll also be able to evaluate how your business is truly making a difference to the lives of older people throughout the year.

Phone icon Get involved with the Telephone Friendship Service

Get in touch with the ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ Corporate Partnerships team if you want to chat about getting involved with the Telephone Friendship Service. Call us on 020 3033 1356 or email us using the link to the right.

Come and join some of our longest-standing Telephone Friendship partners:

  • Barclays 
  • Bloomberg
  • HSBC
  • Zuich Community Trust.

Natascha is more than just somebody who calls. It feels like I'm talking to a daughter or best friend. Knowing that she will call makes me feel not as alone and I can't reiterate enough how much her calls means to me.

Telephone Friendship Service member

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Last updated: Dec 20 2023

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