Share your ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ story | ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ


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Share your story

Everybody has a story to tell. By telling us the story of how ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ has helped you, you can also help others.

Sharing your experiences can change minds, challenge stigma and make many more people aware that they can turn to us for support. 

It's one of the best things that's happened to me.

Brenda, who featured in our Christmas 2022 appeal, on the process of sharing her story

If you'd like to share your story of how ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ has helped you or someone you know, or what inspired you to support us, simply fill out the details in the form below. We can't guarantee that we'll respond to everyone, but if we have an opportunity we’d like to work with you on, we will get in touch to find out more.

And if there’s someone at ½ð¶à±¦´«Õæ you’d like to say a special thank you to, we’ll make sure the person or team involved will hear how they made a difference to you.

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